The BGS Global Leadership Institute is commencing the course named “Mini MBA for Core Team 01- Unlocking Governance Capacity” starting from February 4, 2023 with the participation of trainees from many different businesses.

MBA. David Tan Nguyen, the President of BrainGroup, will train them on how to develop a vision and strategy for their businesses in the first lesson. Furthermore, the trainees will have the opportunity to engage with experts and discuss common management issues faced by businesses.

This interaction helps both the experts and the trainees comprehend their mutual expectations and requirements. As a result, trainees can identify optimal solutions for the actual situation of their businesses by applying BGS Global Model.

The Mini MBA for Core Team course is divided into 9 sessions, including:

  • Session 1: Strategic Vision Planning.
  • Session 2: Optimizing Organizational Structure
  • Session 3: Developing Implementation Plan
  • Sessions 4 & 5: Building Sales & Marketing Strategy.
  • Session 6: Developing Business Process Efficiency.
  • Session 7: Team Building – The Most Important Asset.
  • Session 8: BSC – KPIs : Work Performance Assessment Solution.
  • Session 9: Wrap-up & Certificate Award.

BGS Global Leadership Institute